Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Internal Screaming
Yesterday started off not so great when the air conditioner started to rattle waking me up from a comfortable sleep. Oh well, it was time to start the day.

I got a work related call on my way to work, followed by three more from the same person in the next 15 minutes. I won't even go into why this was frustrating... I ran from meeting to meeting after I caught up on work from the last week. My last meeting was then interupted by the first caller of the day... Sigh. A conversation would now be needed with my management.

On my way home my iPod decided to freeze up. It would turn on, turn off, play, charge or any of the above. It was stuck 1:23 minutes into Sunday Morning, screen greyed out. I should mention that my iPod is only 3 months old. Instead of throwing it across my car I just placed in the passenger's seat and turned the radio off.

I had the needed conversation with my boss once I got home. Something that will be continued today. Stress is high for all, but needs to be managed now as things get more hectic. After the call ended I went back to finish dinner preparations. That is when I gave up. The top of the blender came off with no problem. However, the bottom part of the pitcher was still attached to the blender. Two open ends, not so good... I bit my lip. I moved the top part to the sink and stared at the blender base now covered with my marinade. I couldn't even scream. I just poured a glass of wine and sat down at the kitched table.

After a few minutes JR offered to go pick up dinner. He commented on how impressed he was with my temper, or control of temper. I cleaned up the mess. I had another glass of wine and threw in the towel. Victory was not mine, but sanity was.


Anonymous Janet said...

That was a helluva day, good for you!!!

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