Wednesday, August 29, 2007
This and that...
12 years ago today I was enroute to TX, enroute to a new life. Only as I sat in the plane and later in the processing station at Lackland AFB I was thinking, "what the heck did I do???" The next few days would be filled with anxiety and tears just wanting to return to the safety of my home... But it was time to grow up! I absolutely loved my time in the Air Force and the experiences that I had certainly led me to where I am today. I thought of this as I walked around with someone at work today when they asked when I served. I replied, "1995 to 1999. Oh, actually I went in 12 years ago today." And then I became a civilian 8 years ago today.

Today was also my 1 year mark at my current job, which I love despite the stress and high pressure. If anything, that environment thrills me! Although there are moments when I wake up at 3:13 am, like last night, thinking "Oh my gosh, did I...?"

And in 1 month I will wake up Mrs. U-ing! :) With all going on at work I haven't had much time to really dive into all of the wedding hoopla. This is why having a mom & mother-in-law that I completely trust was essential. I can't forget to mention the all important wedding planner with whom my mom has been working. I really have been the most stress free bride ever! The stress level should resume to quasi normal at work next week, which will leave about 3 weeks of wedding thinking before we are off to St. Thomas to become Mr. & Mrs!!!



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