Wednesday, July 25, 2007
A Wonderful Weekend
A long weekend, that is just what the doctor ordered. Some down time from work. A visit from my mother-in-law to be, a little shopping, my first fitting fitting, the wedding shower, and lots of eating!

No shower, or party for that matter should be without the chocolate fountain! It was industrial size, 5 layers of flowing chocolate. To the side, an assortment of fruits & cooks waiting to be dipped. God love my aunt who dipped a chocolate eclaire in the fountain. Two steps ahead of me!!! My mom, JRs mom, Ali, & Kat threw such a great party. It was perfect! The company was great, and I received some wonderful gifts.

My mom, who kept everything perfect... She threw such a wonderful party. In addition to some great gifts she gave me an old cook book of hers with a note written inside. I have one of the great ones... And in keeping with her tradition of buying lingerie for the bride, I got a few things that JR will surely enjoy.

In addition to the best mom, I have the best mother in law. I, like her, love the presentation. This may explain my addiction to all types of platters. She bought a beautiful one of kind bowl from an artist in NC. She had some pieces that I admired earlier this year. Now I can start my own collection.

From my aunt, my godmother, I received such a thoughtful gift. In the romantic basket that would allow for JR & I to have a romantic evening were the two mugs that she and her husband used while sharing many special memories. My uncle passed about 2 years ago and he was one of the kindest people I had ever met. To have something this special that was part of their relationship means so much. I hope that we are able to continue on with creating special memories like that.

Another very special gift that started the water works were from a very good family friend, who is more like an aunt. She passed down her mother's wine glasses. It was so touching. I'm actually tearing up now. Again, I hope we can add to the stories those wine glasses could tell. If they could talk of course...

This weekend was just wonderful. Spending time with my mom and JR's mom was perfect. Having their support and knowing how close we all are is such a comfort. That strength will help when JR goes back to sea duty next January and as we expand on to our growing families. I really feel blessed to have this!

Then just like that it was back to work. But the wedding is just two short months away and I cannot wait!!! I cannot wait to be JR's Mrs!


Anonymous Theresa said...

Sounds like a fabulous shower!! The gifts were so heartfelt and thoughtful...and a chocolate fountain?! YUM.

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