Thursday, May 8, 2008
Eight Weeks To Go
How time flies! We went for a 3d imaging ultrasound last week. Absolutely. Amazing. We got to see his little face, legs, arms... It was so wonderful! I really cannot wait for him to get here! Well I can, but just so everything finishes developing.

So, 32 weeks pregnant now and starting to feel it. Connor has taken a liking to my right side. More specifically, he likes to wedge himself between my ribs and hip. Then for fun he stretches moving one foot under my ribs while the other foot floats around, kicking here and there... Yesterday his head or hand was bearing down, very low. I thougt he might just try to come early... That or he is excited to know that we are down in VA with daddy until the deployment vs. our normal 5 day stay. I told the hubby Connor was saying, "Hey I'm right here and ready to play... Let's go!" This was how most of yesterday went, which wasn't much fun seeing that we were in the car for 6 hrs... But movement is a good thing!

We spent the last week in Myrtle Beach. Excellent weather. Beautiful scenery. Wonderful company. Grandma, grandpa, Aunty Aimee & Grant joined us over the weekend. Grandma brought a bin of clothes for the little guy. Between that, hand me downs from his little cousin who is only 5 months older, & gifts from others I won't have to buy this little man anything. Have to and and want to are two very different things! Some things are just too cute to pass on. It has already become all about him... I was warned, but didn't fully realize this until we became parents or found out the bump was a boy.

Tonight we're off to MA to visit with the other side prior to the hubby's departure. We'll enjoy the company just as much. We're hoping that the weather will be good to us as well! That, and I'm really hoping Connor is nice to his mommy on the trip there & back. Noone wants to be uncomfortable for 2 hrs on an airplane...


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