Thursday, February 14, 2008
It's official
Last week I was driving to work and I thought it has been one heck of a year. Last year, about this time, the hubby proposed at the very restaurant we had our first date at. A couple of days later we were off to a sunny vacation in Jamaica with my sister and her beau. It was then that we decided we weren't big wedding people. We wanted to get married in a very comfortable setting. Fast forward 7 months and there we were on the beach in St. Thomas saying our vows. Our honeymoon turned out to be a babymoon, and here we are are... All I could think is wow, last year I was dating the man I knew was perfect for me and now I'm going to be a mom!!!

My sister's life has also progressed in just about the same fashion. She just had her little boy this week. Little Landon came into the world on Monday. He is so cute. I cannot get over him. And I am now 20 weeks into the pregnancy and all has been well! No morning sickness - thank god... But there is the daily headaches / migraines, there must be some price to pay to the pregnancy gods. However, there is a light, fiorset has been my savior! As I have moved through the second trimester I have become all to familiar with acid reflux. Oh the joys... And just this week I have started to feel like my mid section was strecthing and cramping like crazy. Looks like an active one!!!

And now the big news, the little peanut is a boy!!! Name is picked out and all... Of course we would have been just as excited with a little girl. Now the shopping can start, and the grandmas have warned us... So now the count down until July!


Anonymous Janet said...

I can't believe how many changes, and all for the positive, that there have been! Can't wait to meet your son :-)

Anonymous Krista said...

ohhhhhhhhh! That is wonderful news!

Anonymous Sky said...

Oh my goodness!!!! Congratulations, you must be thrilled! YAYAYAYAY!

You seriously have a charmed life.

That's called 'destiny'.

Anonymous theresa said...

Congrats!! I'm about a month late in reading this, but how exciting! Just wait till he's hear, oh how your life will change! I know you will make a great mom. Hope to hear more on how things are going and can't wait to see pics when he is born. Or she. :)

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