Thursday, May 1, 2008
In Getting back...
With a recent increase in downtime, I am going to try & be better about blogging... I found this questionairre on E's site.

Where is your cell phone? On the table
Your significant other? On the ship
Your hair? In need of cut & highlights
Your mother? She's at work.
Your father? Watching my nephew
Your favorite thing? Being in VA with the hubby for more than a 5 day stretch
Your dream last night? Can't remember
Your favorite drink? Water, Pomengranet soda water... With alcohol, most summery drinks with rum
Your dream/goal? To continue being happy
The room you're in? Living room
Your ex? No comment, the past is the past
Your fear? Child birth, something happening to bean or the hubby
Where do you want to be in 6 years? Living the life I have now with my family, just hopefully less deployments for the hubby
Where were you last night? 3-D Imaging appt & out to dinner for the hubby's bday
What you're not? Cold, it is 70 degrees in VA!!!
Muffins? Yummy
One of your wish list items? To have the hubby here for bean's arrival, but it is what it is...
Where you grew up? Massachusetts
The last thing you did? Checked my email
What are you wearing? Khaki pants & a black top
Your TV? One that works... I refuse to by a big one until we find a house next year
Your pets? None.
Your computer? 3 laptops, Dell & 2 HPs...
Your life? More than I had wished for...
Your mood? Motivated
Missing someone? Not really, no.
Your car? Acura TSX
Something you're not wearing? Makeup, the luxury of working from home.
Favorite store? Right now the majority of my shopping is at Target...
Your summer? Completely different... Connor should be here in July
Like someone? I do, I do.
Your favorite color? Green.
When is the last time you laughed? Early this morning
Last time you cried? Sunday night when I saw a commercial for Carrier, a PBS special on Navy life


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