Thursday, January 29, 2009
Be Ready For Change
So not about Politics, because honestly I'd rather not blog about my stance. This is more about being ready for whatever Uncle Sam throws at you, even if all of your stuff is pack and you are minutes from heading to your new home. For us it is not that drastic. And so far, we are making out!

We were anticipating to change ships mid-June just after MrE's current ship comes out of the yards and goes through an inspection. He is currently the Cheif Engineer and figured he would have to partake in said inspection vs. throwing in a new CHENG just weeks before. Then his relief called with his orders to report in March, which would mean MrE may leave in April. No biggie. It just meant we'd take vacation sooner. He would have to get underway for a couple of weeks when the ship went back in the water. More time at home, score! After some chatting with his XO & CO, they figured staying with the ship through June may be best. Back to square one, which we had originally planned for. C'est la vie. The other day it got even better. MrE's XO said they would now most likely be letting him go 1 May. He'd have to go to a school the first week of May and then would have 30 days off, as long as the next XO/CO approve it. It pushes off our original vacation plan. He'll report to his next ship as the Training Officer (TrainO) early June. Life as the TrainO should be much better as the CHENG. Or so we're hoping! His next ship is also in the yards through mid-Fall. That means no underways (time at sea) until mid-Oct. I cannot even beging to tell you how happy this makes us. That isn't even the best of it. We've heard that the next big deployment has been pushed off until the fall of 2010 vs. the summer of 2010. We may not have to endure another 6mo+ deployment!!! It will only be about 3 months because MrE leaves that ship in Dec 2010 for shore duty. How great is this?

Now we just have to pray that enough changes have happened and this is the course karma keeps us on!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
6 Months & growing!!!
Bean is actually 6.5 months, but today was the official 6 month appointment. I was nervous about finding a new doctor. Would I meet them once and want to move on? Would they think I was crazy with all of my questions? All those worries were put to rest just after DrR walked into the room. She was so sweet and friendly. I felt comfortable immediately. Bean is in love with yet another woman. I am finding he is quite the flirt.

We talk about his activities. He is rolling around. So much so that I can put him down on his playmat with toys out of reach and they will soon be prisoner to his strong little grasp. Some may even become the victim of teething. He also tries to crawl when I put him on his stomach. God help us when he figures that bending his legs underneath him will actually get him to go quicker. He sits up with no problem. He is actually trying to stand more and more. Although most of his standing time leads to jumping on my legs. My legs are dotted with bruises caused by two cute but chubby feet.

As for his growth, he is in the 90th percentile for height (27.5in), 50th percentile for weight (17.5lbs) & 75th percentile for head size. He is going to be a good size boy!

Life changed drastically though. 6 months also means 4 new shots, which the nurse administered. Smart Doc, ensure the kiddies will always like her... The smiling child I walked in with was not the child I left with, expectedly so. Our poor little Bean. He is fussy and mom is tired. We've been up since 6am. So daddy is about to take us out for dinner.

Monday, January 26, 2009
We're Free!
We're past day 10 with the antibiotics, which means Bean was ready to head out today. Just in time too!!! My friend (Auntie E to Bean) & her son Ethan were in town visiting her sister-in-law who just had little Ava and who is now Bean's betrothed. I think the dads will approve as all interested parties are Red Sox fans. What other way is there to decide? Besides with all of the boys born, there is some stiff competition for the girls out there. Ethan, Zilla, Bean & William will all be in school together... Back to Ava, so precious and only 4 weeks old. I remember Bean being that small... We had a fun day at Ava's house playing with Ethan (who is a month older than Bean). The boys were so cute together. We'll actually get to see Ethan in two weeks when we are back in MA.

Last week while we were house bound we also had a surprise visit from one of my old Air Force friends / roommates. He was on his way to play in the sandbox for 4 months... Most deployments leave from Norfolk. It was a nice surprise, and I loved showing off Bean.

Now I'm just enjoying a little quiet. Bean is fast asleep. I am just browsing around, and will soon be asleep myself.

Friday, January 23, 2009
Hi LuLu!!!
My MIL has joined the blogging world!!! We've been talking about it for a while. She is so crafty! It is the perfect way for her to showcase her talent. She made my wedding invitations, my wedding necklace (pearls & swarovski crystals), necklaces for my bridesmaids (pearls & swarovski crystal), our thank you cards, my baby shower invites, my brother & SIL's, and so much more. She is also an avide knitter, photographer, and anything crafty!!! Plus she's a pretty swell Grammy! Just ask Bean.

So go say hi to her! Next we'll get her on Etsy.

Friday Fill In

1. Oh, I am so to be over our colds & viruses here!

2. Motherhood changes, big and little.

3. During the night, I am up too often to check on Bean.

4. I'm still coughing???; are you kidding me???

5. Right now I'd like to be on the beach in St. Thomas.

6. My camera is my favorite gadget.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to maybe a movie on TV, tomorrow my plans include some much needed grocery shopping and buying a grill and Sunday, I want to grill out with some friends!

We're almost through the colds & viruses here! Bean is almost back to normal. He is smiling and playing away with minor fussiness. Soon pajama days will come to an end, but I am so looking forward to getting out of the house. It's supposed to be 60 degrees today. A little fresh air just might be in order!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Although we're feeling much better, the last couple of days were not so. Bean's ear infection was actually the start of RSV (respiratory virus / bronchiolitis). Not a big deal. Two-thirds of infants get it in their first year. Those born from April -October are more susceptible. He spent most of the weekend cuddled up on Grammy, Grampy, mom or dad. What was awful was hearing him wease and then getting the nurse's reaction to bring him in "RIGHT AWAY". I hung up the phone in a complete panic. Complete. I was out of my house in 15 minutes. Needless to say we looked fabulous yesterday (said with a hint of sarcasm). Worse than his weasing was having to hold him tightly and then hold the breathing mask against his face for the breathing treatment. He did everything in his power to get away from me! Screaming. Crying. Thrashing about. And there I was alone in the little room just trying to hold him. Poor little guy. I just kept rocking him and saying I promise this would make him better. Bean is now on amoxicillin, pregnisone & an albuteral inhaler... Today he woke up with the color back in his cheeks and a smile on his face! Yey!!! We're still on the meds & laying low, but he is already getting better.

After that we were off to an urgent care office at the suggestion of his pediatrician. Apparently my cough sounded worrisome. I haven't found a primary care physician yet and was not impressed by the doctors at this office. He asked me which antibiotic I should be on... Well since I am paying, how about we let you decide? MrE is almost over the cold that he so loving shared with all of us. We're just hoping we didn't spread it to Grammy & Grampy.

Hopefully this should be out of our house in the next few days. I have already washed the linens, towels & clothes once. I have disinfected everything. Rewashed all of Bean's bottles and binkies. And I'll probably repeat this process again on Friday or Saturday just to be safe.

Until then our door has a big red X on it. I hope all are surviving cold / flu season.

Friday, January 16, 2009

1. Enough with the cold weather. It's in the low 20's in VA Beach, brrr!

2. My zodiac sign causes me to be conflicted. Darn scales. I have such a problem making decisions.

3. I've been craving mom's homemade chilli.

4. Hanging out with my family makes me laugh.

5. I wish I could go to a warm tropical beach with the family next week.

6. Georgiahas been on my mind lately. Actually, going back to school. There is a great Master's Program for an IS Security related degree

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to crawling under the covers and go to bed, tomorrow my plans include driving to Charlotte to see grammy & grampy E and Sunday, I want to enjoy a relaxing day with the E family before driving back Monday!

We were supposed to leave today for Charlotte. Today turned into tonight because of a last minute Dr. appt for Bean. I had thought his teething was the cause of the cough, runny nose and fussiness. Poor little guy has an ear infection. So tonight has now turned into tomorrow. We didn't want to spend 5 hrs in the car starting at 7pm. So a good night's rest is in the cards for Bean.

Hope all enjoy their long weekend. Stay warm! I don't think there are many warm temperatures to be seen this weekend.

Thursday, January 15, 2009
Bean Loves Dogs

We visited with one of my parent's neighbors while home over New Year's. Bean loved her dog. LOVED!!! I have never seen him laugh so hard. It was just the funniest thing ever. Enjoy.

He just didn't like sledding. Or maybe it was the snow. Possibly both! He is my son.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
January 14
When I was younger it seemed like time almost stood still. Especially time around holidays, the winter months and any time waiting for an upcoming event. Now I look at the calendar and cannot believe the date is what it is. Anyhow, life in the E house has been good. I am on a mission to get Bean out of the house more. With winter months finally settling in here in VA, walking is not always an option. Aside from that, he was around Zilla who is 5 months older for the first 5 months of his life. Life has gotten a little quiet and I really think he is bored. I am only assuming this by the screams I hear every 10-20 minutes, which translates into NEXT... I am also hoping this tires him out to the point that he does not protest every nap with a fit. So far I have won the battles, but he has not waivered one bit.

So this week we met up with a gal I went to high school with who also lives in VA Beach. It was so wonderful having some girlfriend time. Plus Bean could not have behaved any better for the whole two hours we were at Starbucks. There was no fussing just a lot of flirtacious smiles. We are definitely in trouble when his hormones kick in. Sadly that will be here one day way before I'm ready to let my little Bean grow up. I was so giddy that whole day. Moving on, today we went to a Gymboree class. Can I just say how great this was?!? There were a couple of other little kids, and of course Bean hammed it up. We signed up right after the class. Bonus, since we signed a 6 month contract we get a second class for free!!! It was so great we are looking into getting Zilla a membership for his birthday. Only we are looking to find something closer for them. My sister is a working gal & it would be up to Nana to bring him on Tuesdays. We're going to try it when I'm home in February. So let us hope this works out or we can find something closer to them. And not to overstimulate Bean, we are joining the Y. The perks, there is free 2 hr babysitting so this mama can work out. Plus we can use the pool for family swim time. MrE wants to take lessons with Bean on Saturdays. So between Gymboree Play, Gymboree Music & Pool time, I think Bean will be much happier engaging in activities with more people than just mom.

It is also time for us to finally catch up with our Navy friends that are here in VA Beach. We're settled. Holidays are over. Time to mingle. This weekend we are off to NC to visit the E grandparents. And in a month, we'll be back in MA for 2 weeks (6-20 Feb) to celebrate Zilla's 1st birthday. Well I'm off to get some stuff done before one little boy wakes up demanding his dinner and my attention. I'd like to think he wants my attention more, but he attacks the spoon with

Decisions, Decisions
So MrE and I are planning to go on vacation this summer sans Bean. If all goes as it should, we will have about 30 days to play with. We are hoping to visit my parents, his parents, have down time with Bean, and then of course, our vacation. Now the question is where and for how long. We had originally planned to go to Hawaii, but have since decided on a Mediterranean cruise. Either vacation would be about 2 weeks. My sister, who does know me better than almost anyone, thinks it will be too hard to leave Bean for 2 weeks. For me in particularly where I am home with him all day. Sure I will miss him, but if he is with family I'll be fine. I think. He would be a year when we leave... So now I'm wondering, is two weeks too long??? I think we may try a weekend away soon and see how that goes.

Any thoughts?

Thursday, January 8, 2009
The Biggest Loser
As with most resolutions, some of our family members are all interested in losing weight. To make things a little more tempting we have decided to make it a contest. All contestants have to throw $25 into the prize pot. We all wieghed Sunday and will weigh in again on Memorial Day weekend. The person losing the most percentage wins the pot. Not only will they have lost weight, but there will also be some cash to go replenish their wardrobe!

Now I just have to get rid of that holiday candy!

The Holiday Marathon
Our holiday recap...

We have been busy through the holidays, but who isn't? Mr.E had some down time from work, which gave us some family time. We took walks. We relaxed. We had fun. We visited with family. We spent Christmas in VA with the E side of the family. There was lots of food, lots of fun, and more food. The parents-in-law introduced us to Wii, which we have already purchased. I also think we passed on the addiction to the J family. Wii definitely have a problem.

We spent New Year's in MA with the J family, which is actually where we purchased the Wii. Thus being responsible for their addiction. We spent New Year's Eve playing Wii with the whole family. It was the perfect low key holiday. I was actually asleep by 11:30. We also visited with family. MrE was able to going skiing. We had snow. Bean went sledding, which he was totally against. Zilla was still contemplating whether he liked it or not. Mr.E & my sister-in-law participated in the polar plunge. Ah, 23 degrees with freezing winds, snow on the ground & 40 degree water - I'll pass. It was 73 degrees two weeks ago in VA. We also can't forget that mom passed the flu. Although I didn't get it quite as bad as her. It did have us staying in MA an extra day.

And just like that the holiday season is over...

December in VA

We were really lucky to have some beautiful weather here around Christmas. We took some long walks exploring. If we were settling here or going to be here for more than two years, we would definitely buy here. We may have to sell some or our non-vital organs, but we would definitely buy here. We are on the backside of the marina, which is perfect because I do love watching the sailboats. Then just down the street are the beaches along the Chesapeake Bay. The homes remind me of back home. I just love getting out and walking with Bean. I cannot wait until this summer so we can go swimming at the beach! So am I tempting any would be visitors yet?

Friday, January 2, 2009
A Year In Review
**I posted this on the wrong blog**

January - We moved MrE into our temporary apartment. Heart breaking for one pregnant mama!

February - Zilla was born! We also found out Bean was a he.

March - We said goodbye to a truly wonderful man, my grandfather.

April - I took a mini leave of absence from work to go to VA and be with the hubby before he left on deployment.

May - Vacation in Myrtle Beach. Vacation in MA. Visiting family before Mr.E left.

June - MrE left, another heart breaking moment for this pregnant mama.

July - Bean arrived!!!

August - I was a blurried eyed, sleep deprived mama.

September - Still a little blurried eye, but I went back to work. Materninty leave is just not long enough. I celebrated my anniversary with my parents since Mr.E was somewhere in the deep blue sea.

October - My brother got married to the best gal. Bean was a turkey. Zilla was a lion.

November - I said good bye see you later to a job that I loved. I packed. And packed. And packed.

December - We moved back to VA. MrE returned. I unpacked like a mad woman, done in 3 days! We had our first Christmas together. In our new home. We visited with family!!! MrE's sister got engaged.

2008 was such a great year. I am so centered and happy with life. I am truly enjoying every day and thankful for everything that I have. I am looking forward to 2009 and all it has to offer. I wish only the happiest & best to our family, our friends & all visitors out their in blogland.