Thursday, May 17, 2007
More caffeine please...
So the good news is that I got a great promotion at work. The better news is that they are trying to work my move into a newer position so I will not have to leave the company for the 3 years we are in VA! Life is pretty dang good! Did I mention that I love my job. That is as much information I will divulge here not wanting violating 13th Commandment... I will say that one does appreciate a yummy dinner waiting on the table and dishes being done after so that this chickie can do some more work.

Wedding plans are going great. My parents just came back from there St. Thomas vacation and had a chance to meet the wedding planner. They also lined up activities for that week and scoped out 2 other weddings. We cannot wait!!! We're still trying to figure out the honeymoon, but all else has fallen into place. So I'm not too worried. It will be great as long as there is warm weather, a beach, and of course JR...

On to important things, AI... I was shocked tonight. JR insisted that he knew she'd go home. I do love the beat-boxer, but I cannot argue MD's talent. Man oh man... Thank goodness for TiVo though. Not only would I have missed it due to working late, but I also cut the show in half... Thank you TiVo gods!

Well I'm off to bed. Tomorrow is going to come all too soon...

Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Oh man...
So here we are watching The Best of SNL 90's, and it shows the '91 show with Aerosmith singing Sweet Emotion. JR looks at me and asks, "Did that really come out in 1991???"

**sigh** We are getting old, and I'm 6 month older... Again, **sigh**

And can I just mention some of the greatest skits,
- Motivational Speaker... "Living in a van down by the river!"
- Blue Oyster... "It needs more cowbell."
- Chip & Dale's with Patrick Swazey & Chris Farley
- Wayne's World
- Adam Sandler singing Sloppy Joes with Chris Farley dressed up

Back to the laughing!

Sunday, May 6, 2007
The Heartwalk 2007

A very good friend of the family has started a team for this year's Heartwalk in Bristol, RI. Her story is not like many other heart disease patients. She is a only a 31 year old mother of 2. Several years ago her husband had a stroke at the age of 29. After several scary moments in the hospital he awoke and recovered better than the doctors had predicted. His life, while different than before, is still his own...

Fast forward several years later... In January 2007, M had just returned from lunch when she started feel sick. Her coworker called 911 because something wasn't right. M was rushed to a near by hospital where the doctor's found a major artery to her heart tore. The reason, unknown. Her husband was 29 when he suffered from his stroke. She was 31 when she suffered a tear in the artery which lead to a massive heart attack. Both so very young... She will be walking this year for her husband, for her children, for herself, and for so many others that have been affected by heart disease... She has invited her friends and family to join her team, which I will feeling most honored that I can help in some way. I'll be walking for my father, my grandfather, and so many other loved one that suffer from heart disease...

Click here to see my Heartwalk page. Any donations and support will be greatly appreciated!



Thursday, May 3, 2007
Keeping me sane
Craziness, you consume my mornings! I wake up thinking, okay where am I going today? Followed by, ugh 1.5 hours in the car in good weather and no traffic. Do I have to get gas? Or I think, thank goodness I only have to drive 30 minutes. Maybe I'll hit snooze one more time... There is even the occassional, is this my Friday off? Even if it is I usually log on at home because there is something to do. So all of this runs through my head before my feet hit the floor, but it quickly fades when I walk out of my bedroom door and see this:

Now we may not be on the ocean directly, but I'll take an ocean view any day of the week. Also, the beach is about 2 minutes down the road one way. The boat ramp is another 5 minutes down the road the other way. After a deep, relaxing sigh because life is good I'm off... Reality comes back in full force and the races begin. Speaking of which I'm off to a work 30 minutes away only to get in the car by 12pm and drive 1.5 hours away to office 2 where I'll finish my day and week! Hope all have a good day.