Sunday, April 22, 2007
Reason #49837385495
So Friday night two of the *bleeping* bridesmaids from my cousin's wedding they decided that they were no longer going to go on the bachelorette party. The reason, they didn't know anything about it, which a huge pile of *beep, beep*. If the bride wasn't my cousin, they would have 5 bridesmaids, an aunt, and a mother of the bride putting their selfish *beeps* into place. (Sorry for all the bleeps & beeps)

Now, not only did we decide what was going onfor this little outing at the shower, but my sister told all not to worry she would handle it. I would host dinner and we head out from there... We were all told to keep Sat. April 21st open. So back to the cancellation on the 20th... This left us with a limo now costing well over $100 per person for 6 people. After dinner & drinks we were looking at $200 per person. Did I mention we just stayed local? Now for me, that is just a lot of money to spend on one night locally. I'm also against the whole idea of big hoo-haa bachelor/bachelorette parties, which gives me a different perspective on it anyway. So after a little freak out on/with my sister, JR came to the rescue.

1. He went to the store to buy all items for dinner.
2. He cooked dinner.
3. He cleaned up after dinner.
4. He drove six crazy, screaming girls around and never said a word!
5. He spent an additional hour getting everyone home safely after breakfast.

This is just one of the reasons that he is the best. By the end of the night he was be tolding how much he was loved. Some of the girls even asked if they could trade. Sorry ladies, he is all mine! But I will rent him out for a small fee. Kidding...

Saturday, April 21, 2007
Check, check
  • Bridesmaids dresses, check! Decided yesterday with my sister in tow. The girls have to be happy!!! After 2 visits to the boutique, numerous searching on the web, countless emails we decided on this!

  • Colors / flowers, check! These aren't the exact flowers, but I do know bright orange & pink! I don't really want roses either. So we'll see what we narrow it down to!

  • Invitations, check! This credit goes completely to my futre mother-in-law (FMIL). I told her a color and said starfish. This is only one of the many designs she came up with, but the one everyone loves most especially me & JR!!! It's better than anything I've seen in catalogs or would have imagined.

  • Save the dates, check! This was my attempt at being crafty. I have to say that I am pretty impressed with myself.

  • Our room is booked!
  • I also have my dress!
  • All the details for the week of the wedding & the event itself are almost set. My parents will be in St. Thomas in a couple of weeks. They will settle everything then.
  • I have a great photographer!

    We know what we want the guys to where, just need to find it.
    I know what to get the friends in the wedding, just need to order items.
    We still have to buy the plane tickets.
    We also still have to choose our honeymoon...

    Almost done, and very little stress. Actually, I would have to say that with our families' help there has been no stress.

  • Tuesday, April 10, 2007
    As I've said, I'm keeping the stress to a minimum with all of the wedding planning. The moms have been great, and the dads & siblings too... :) One of the things that JR & I have on our to-do list is the honeymoom. We have no idea!

    We had originally planned to go to Greece & Italy in the fall, but with a Caribbean wedding we've decided to keep the honeymoon destination in a warm climate as well. Less packing is a good thing. JR will also be in the Med Sea from summer of 08 - fall of 08. So a trip to the Med will take place then. Then there is the move to VA right after we get back to Mass. Easier is definitely better with all the things going on.

    We've both been to Jamaica & Aruba and do not really want to repeat any of our previous trips. There is so much more to see! We're also getting married at the tail end of hurricane season and want to be careful when choosing a destination. I know, a little contradictory since we're getting married in St. Thomas. I just do not want to taunt the hurricane gods with a second trip smack dab in the middle of the hurricane belt. So we've played with the idea of Barbados, Anguilla, & Caymans. We're still at a loss though. I even started looking at Hawaii. Long flight from St. Thomas and back to Boston, yes... However, the items in the suitcase would all be for warm weather! Hawaii is a long shot, but a girl can dream, right. I do need some good ideas though.

    Any and all suggestions, experiences, etc. would be greatly appreciated!

    Monday, April 2, 2007
    My First Time
    So there I am, making the 1.5+ hour commute home from another business center when I see Mr. Statey coming up on the side of me. No worries. I am not known for breaking the speed limit. Then he slowed down and got behind me. Ruh-oh. I knew exactly what it was, the registration that sticker that expired yesterday. Now I did renew it. However that was on the old car. I was not about to give up my Red Sox plates... So this is how it goes down,

    Mr.S: License & registration please.
    Me: Yes, sir.
    Mr.S:Do you know that your plates are expired?
    Me:Yes. I actually bought the car Thursday. I'm just waiting for the new registration to come in.
    Mr.S: It is registered to this car?
    Me: Yes
    Mr.S: And you need an inspection.
    Me: I have 10 days from purchase and I need my registration first.
    Mr.S: Good answer. Have you been pulled over before? Will I find any unpaid tickets or warrants for you.
    Me: No, this is my first time. I have no tickets or anything.
    Mr.S: Really? Well you have a good day then. Becareful pulling out.

    ...and just like that he handed my license back and I was on my way! If only it was that easy everytime.