Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Moments in Our Family

We've been visiting with more family & friends. LittleMiss met Great Nana Hanni this passed weekend as well as Great Aunty K. We're also in full wedding mode for Aunty Ali's wedding. I found matching ties for MrE & Bean as well as a matching ribbon for Little Miss. That with Little Miss & I in green dresses, we will be a fully coordinating family. *grinning* I'm sure the kids will cringe one day when we pull out the old family photos.

This week's big moment's include Little Miss finding her hands. Hip, hip, hooray! She also ate baby cereal with a bit of prunes this afternoon. I couldn't feed her fast enough. There was no gagging, just little grunts and cries if it wasn't quick enough. I also made it through the mound of laundry finally. It was clean but chasing after a 2 yo, 19 mo, & caring for a 3 mo during the day doesn't always leave time for washing, drying and folding. Sometimes it is just a wash, dry and throw on the spare bed kind of day.

Now for the not so good moments - there was Bean's determination and one successful press of the LifeLine button on my grandmother's phone. I promised the technician that was indeed a 1 year that pressed the button and not my grandmother. He also threw a block in excitement, beaming his sister in the middle of the forehead, scaring the poo out of her. He earned a well deserved timeout. For the first time he did not try to escape. He sat there with a really sad frown on his face. I'm hoping that was because he hurt LittleMiss. Then again, he later tried to push her with his foot (read:gentle toddler kick) because he was mad at me. And today he threw a card in her direction. I have full faith that in a year my little chunka munka will be able to take her brother out. Hopefully after one swift bum kicking he will back off. Until then, timeouts will be his friends for any such action.

This week I'll shall continue with my determination to lose this baby weight with healthy eating, Zumba, Yoga & running. So far I have been stuck at the same weight for a month! The same weight I was when I was still eating pizza & junk food. We have play dates with friends. I have play dates with some of the girls (read: time w/o the kiddos). We have a spa day next week for me, my mum & the bride. Packing, for in 12 short days we'll be going back to VA!

Well I'm off to bed. Tomorrow is going to come way too early. And tomorrow is not a daycare day.


Azzybee & kiddos

Saturday, February 20, 2010
Easter Potraits, 2010

So we braved the winter weather in February, as well as trying to wrangle 3 toddlers into taking 1 good picture all together. It was eventful. Between chasing Connor and Landon, changing wadrobes and the photographer loosing the first set of shots... we survived. So this year's grandkid potrait as well as Easter pictures of our own respective children went well!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
I'm Still Standing

Barely, but mom & I made it through a few hours at PicPeople with Zilla (2yrs), Bean (19 mos) and Little Miss (3mos). Wow sums it up best. Those boys had so much energy that we contained, but at times it looked as if the bomb would explode. The session started off well, some cute shots of Little Miss. Then the boys jumped in all dressed in their Easter Best. As we were getting ready to do the wardrobe change our photographer went to switch out batteries. When she came back she informed us the pictures she had just taken were gone. So what are the chances of getting more good pictures in their Easter outfits. All together? Yeah, even the Magic 8 Ball would have said "Outlook not so good". Good pictures seperately, CHECK. Good pictures of my two monsters, CHECK. Good pictures of the boys, CHECK. Then it was time for the wardrobe change. So we crossed our fingers and prayed to the photography gods for a good picture of the 3 grand children. Our prayers were answered, only it was in their B-Sox attire! No complaints from this family. So after 2 hours, 2 boys getting along, not getting along, hiding behind the screen, fighting over the piano, throwing off their cute hats, 3 diaper changes, 1 wardrobe change, and even a feeding for Little Miss - we were out of there.

I am beat. Mom is beat. The boys are running around the house. Little Miss is sleeping in her bouncy right next to me. But we all survived, we certainly can't let the boys they might be able to take us some days. Off to enjoy my late dinner. Get the boys to bed and then promptly do the same. All though a glass of wine sounds very good right about now!

Enjoy the pictures...



Sunday, February 14, 2010
Like Butter, I'm On A Roll

I shouldn't get to excited, but 3 posts in one week is much better than my recent track record. It is just a bit easier to break away where Maggie is 14 weeks. I am also in MA visiting family. So there are things and people to keep the kids occupied. January & February have been filled with birthdays, Toe Jam concerts, play dates, etc... Plus we have a camera again to capture it all.

Our last post had us playing in the snow! Later that evening we went to Toe Jam Puppet Band downtown for Zilla's birthday. A fun time was had by all, but Bean I think enjoyed it most. The boy loves to dance more than he loves the music. Saturday we went to visit some Navy friends that just moved to Portsmouth, RI. They have 3 girls and a new baby boy. This kept Bean entertained for hours! After that we darted to cousin Lilly's 1st birthday party. As we sat in Aunty Nancy's you could see the recent baby boom growing before our eyes. There were 10 kids under the age of 7 rolling around the living room floor, and that was just our side of the family. We're going to have to be careful or those little monsters are going to take over! Even with Saturday's schedule MrE and I were able to escape to the movies for a date night! Today is turning out to be a quiet Valentine's Day, which is just fine by us...

Hope you all enjoy this weekend and Happy Valentine's Day!

Thursday, February 11, 2010
Our First Snow Day

It is no secret that I do not subscribe to the "I love snow" fan club. We could even broaden that to "I love cold weather"... However, I have been looking forward to snow this year since Bean is 19 months and can enjoy going out to play. I wasn't sure if it was going to happen. It snowed plenty in MA early in the winter, when we were in VA. Then when we came up to MA to visit, the snow had travelled south. Hmmm? We finally got snow though! Yey!!!

I pulled both Bean and Zilla (my 2 year old nephew) on the sled. We walk through the yard, rolled around, made a snow ball, fell over and got "tuck" as Bean says... Moving around in a snowsuit slowed two toddlers down making one mommy very happy. We ended our afternoon with some hot chocolate. Sadly Maggie will have to wait until next year. She stayed in the house with Papa.

Tonight we're off the the NB Whaling Museum to see Toe Jam Puppet Band perform. A perfect way to spend Zilla's 2nd birthday. More pictures and videos of the kids dancing to come!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
I'd Like To Blame FaceBook!

I have been so bad about blogging. Social networking has stolen friendly intimacy. First MySpace came and corrupted us from not emailing each other. Now Twitter & Facebook have only made it worse. Checking FaceBook is just easier, thus making me lazier. As much as I'd like to call or write a friend for more personal conversation, checking status updates saves time. It also gives me something to do when I am up at 3am feeding Little Miss. There isn't much "me" time with a 19 month old, 3 month old and a husband on sea duty. I'm not complaining though because I wouldn't change a thing.

So last when we left off I was in the hospital awaiting Little Miss's arrival. Well she is here, smiley little girl that she is! Bean is a great big brother. We enjoyed Thanksgiving & Christmas in VA. Traveling with a newborn just wasn't in the cards for us. MrE was back on sea duty officially vs. being stuck in the yards. As Murphy's Navy Law would have it, his ship came out of the yards days after Little Miss was born. Seriously, it wasn't even a week. Luckily Nana and Grammy made visits to keep me company and lend a hand while I was adjusting to two. Before we knew it January was here and so was my brother to help us drive to MA for a couple of months. MrE was supposed to be in and out quite a bit and my sister's wedding is around the corner. I came to help and have help.

And just like that 3 months have gone by! Sorry this is brief, but Bean has already come in to the office to ask me, "up?" This means typing will soon be impossible. I hope you enjoy a few of the pictures we've taken over the last 3 months. More to come. I'm going to try and get back to this about once a week. Wish me luck!


JR, Azzy & the littles